
An artistic research project called “see taste”

LiMi has been made Beneficiary of Stiftelsen Tornspiran’s Grant for her current artistic research called SEE TASTE - the Visual Mapping of Taste.

If you could see taste; what would it look like? SEE TASTE is an effort to connect Fine Arts, Fine Dining and Feeding those in need. The aim is to translate the sense of taste into something visual, in hopes of feeding both the mind and the hungry.

This artistic research will be carried out in five stages and is currently in cooperation with resident researcher and Doctor in Organic Chemistry, Dr Esther Yeheskiely, who holds over 60 publications and invaluable research experience. Additional chefs, taste experts, lab analysts, programmers and selected sponsors will be involved throughout this work.

If you would like more information or are interested in collaborating, please feel free to call or email at the information found on the contact page.

Publications, events and exhibitions are to come.

Connecting Fine Art, Fine Dining and Feeding those in need

at Limi’s studio in Stockholm, sweden

Welcome to LiMi’s studio and annual exhibitions in Kyrkhamn Studios “Culture During Advent” every December and the “Autumn Open” event every September, Kyrkhamnsvägen 34 in Hässelby, Sweden.

LiMi’s space to create is located in a nature reserve on the outskirts of Stockholm, Sweden.

Courses and Lectures

Available in English or Swedish at the Artist's studio in Stockholm, Sweden or at an alternate location. Artist’s Talks, courses below or tailor made seminars can be requested through the contact page.

Visual Analysis of Taste: Seminars and workshops on taste analysis and discussion of the human tasting palate verus the artist’s palette.

Quality Evaluation of Art: A seminar on methods for evaluating Fine Art that go beyond personal opinion.

Performance Art Workshop: A one day investigation of Performance Art as a means of artistic expression for the sense of taste or the loss of the sense of taste.

Life Drawing: Figure drawing course from a live model with guided instruction.

To request more information on courses click here: contact

Artist’s Talk with Organization KonstMusikSamtal.

Limi’s work with “17 000”

LiMi is exhibition manager for Forma’s large-scale artwork “17 000” and member of the charitable organization, 17 000 Association. The association seeks to use the artwork to create an environment that promotes the individual's ability to independently and collectively create a society characterized by empathy, humanity and respect.

“17 000” is available for loan for events and exhibitions. The work is currently installed and guided viewings can be arranged for the general public at Ängby Church, in Bromma, Stockholm.

“17 000” made by the collective group Forma, sets it’s sights on the UN in New York, USA.

Hear more about 17 000 and the journey from Botkyrka to New York on this news clip:
